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Hasanah Atiqah
ITE Macpherson


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Masrezal Mashuri
His Mine. Love Him Lots.
You're supermassive
You're supermassive
You're supermassive
You're supermassive
come hear me scream
February 2009/ March 2009/ April 2009/ May 2009/
Tuesday, May 5, 2009 4:09 PM

Got really nothing to do in school. Actually the class ended already but I'm still in school to use the net. ( Like as if there is no internet at home like that ah. ) Anyways, i miss my boyfriend. Can't wait to see him tmr.

I want to buy this dress in bugis street. Its sooooo cute la. Heh heh. getting it next week. Boyfriend gaji masok tuesdays. Hehe. I loike. Haha. But i want him to save for his future studies. And i want him to save for his new phone. E71 sey sey sey. Aku nak phone tu tak dpt dpt, die yang nak belikan untok diri die sendiri. Haiz. Nvm. I save my money and get myself a blackberry ah!!!! HAHAHA. Like as if i will save the money sia. Nak save duit peh susah. Terok ah aku ni. Every end of the week my money finish. Susah nak kluar.

Ape ape la. I want to play my restaurant city.


Thursday, April 30, 2009 11:24 PM
What an unlucky day. First lost my ring. Then lost my I/C cum EZ link.
Then boyfriend called me dumb/stupid. Lots of tears. But forgave him. Still love him fyi.
Had to use coins to get home. Took train. Couldn't tap out. Was kind of paisey. But who cares. Ask the people in-charge of the bus whether they seen my I/C ( was really hoping they said yes ). They said no.
So walk off. Boyfrind send me home. And end of story.

So no ez link till the police call me or until boyfriend gets his pay. Damn. Now i'm going to be like Muhsan. Use coins only. Haha. Cute right.


Thursday, March 12, 2009 10:21 PM
How? I changed my BlogSkin. Fateha said it looks ok and unique. Haizzz. Not satisfied. I want people to WOW! SUPER NICE! YOU DID A GREAT JOB! something like that. Haha. Macam paham.

Today BF nye gaji la sey. But cannot spent too much. Have to save. He wants to continue with his studies after NS. Haiz. Hasanah hasanah, tau ade duit je nak pakai, nak beli bende baru. Mane duit tak habis. Oh well, a girl will always be a girl. She needs to spent $$$ to get new stuff! Haha.

Just now I had my final year exam for IT essential. Last paper and no more ganggu ganggu my holidays. Its going to be difficult to meet my friends during holidays now. Going to miss them. Haiz. Korg spent time ngan aku ah! Pls! Matair aku belum p.o.p lagi. Tak kan aku nak duduk rumah je untok 1 bulan kan? Gemok sak nanti!!!

Ok da! Bye!

Monday, March 9, 2009 1:18 AM
I really want to pass the test later in the noon. But i can't get myself to concentrate. And worst of all i think they won't let us bring our hp in. Damn! So really gotta study atleast a little. I really do not want to re-take the whole damn semester. Shitty.

On the other hand. Boyfriend is going to pass-out in 3 more weeks!!!!!!!! SWEET! Haha. Its so darn fast. But I loike. Haha. Can spend more I repeat MORE time with him. Teehee. So happy sey! Miss him muchie muchie!

Ok ok back to study. Ciao!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 7:39 PM
I WANT TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!! But BF don't let me. And if he does where should i work?? Nobody want to accompany me. How sad. San and Fateha already got a job. They left me alone!!!!!!! Mane boleh. Kesian sey ni budak Hasanah Atiqah!! Haiz.

I WANT MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And lots of it. I want go shopping, watch movie, buy stuff, buy bras and more shopping. I don't like waiting for mum to ask me out then i can do my shopping. I want to go shopping whenever i want to. Why can't money magically appear at the palm of my hands? Wouldn't that be great. Aku da boleh blanje kawan2 aku gi Seoul Garden eh eh eh korg. Haiz.

I'm sooo go damn bored. Didn't go school today. So lazy.

Ok da. Bye!

Monday, February 16, 2009 10:49 PM


Sunday, February 15, 2009 8:39 PM

I forgot how old he is. Erm 5 I think. Haha. May Allah bless him and have a pleasent life ahead of him.